You Don't Know Me You give your hand to me And then you say hello And I can hardly speak My heart is beating so And anyone can tell You think you know me well But you don't know me
No, you don't know the one Who dreams of you at night And longs to kiss your lips And longs to hold you tight Oh I'm just a friend That's all I've ever been 'Cause you don't know me
For I never knew The art of making love Though my heart aches With love for you Afraid and shy I've let my chance to go by The chance that you might Love me, too
You give your hand to me And then you say good-bye I watch you walk away Beside the lucky guy Oh You'll never know The one who loves you so Well, you don't know me
For I never knew The art of making love Though my heart aches With love for you Afraid and shy I've let my chance to go by The chance that you might Love me, too
You give your hand to me And then you say good-bye I watch you walk away Beside the lucky guy You'll never never know The one who loves you so Well, you don't know me
No, no, you'll never ever know The one who loves you so Well, you don't know me
Oh, It's time to dream , a thousand dreams of you ! It's been so grand together, yes , together . You thrilled me from the start . You brought the spring again . Your fingers touched the strings of my heart and made it sing again . I hope you dream a thousand dreams of me . All things we're planed doing together . And if you do, I dream my whole life through . A thousand , a million , a zillion dreams of you !
美國電視跳舞比賽So You Think You Can Dance,有過不少出色跳街舞(hip hop)的B-boy和B-girl參賽﹐上月結束的 America's Best Dance Crew,更是特別為街舞舞者而設的電視鬥舞大賽。剛落畫不久的電影Step Up 2﹐同樣是以街舞為題材的電影。由此可見﹐一直被視為害群之馬、不學無術的人才跳的街舞,已經逐漸由地下走向地上舞台。
文﹕維司 圖﹕維司 / 部分由受訪者提供 設計﹕高清
Hip Hop文化於70年代的紐約街頭誕生﹐有些人在公眾地方如籃球場、公園等地放起音樂擔當DJ﹐這些露天舞場吸引了無數街上玩鬧的年輕人聚集起來隨音樂起舞 ﹐更以舞技來較量。霹靂舞(Breakdance)就是最早發展及最普遍的街舞。其後﹐霹靂舞舞者則被稱為B-boy及B-girl﹐而跳霹靂舞亦被叫作 B-boying或B-girling。
電影Step Up 2中的女主角不喜歡讀書﹐熱愛街舞的她與朋友組成舞團(crew)﹐肆無忌憚地在任何地方起舞。任性的行為令家人對她跳街舞十分反對﹐認為跳街舞只會學壞。最後她經過重重考驗﹐終於贏得家人的支持﹐同時間更排除萬難在某大街舞比賽勝出。
雖然故事劇情不免俗套﹐但很大程度上亦反映了現實社會的情況,普羅大眾對街舞仍有負面看法﹐覺得跳街舞的就是無心向學,終日聯群結黨的壞分子。這個「壞」標籤源於70年代﹐街舞文化(hip hop culture)形成之時﹔當時創造及跟隨這文化的,都是血氣方剛、流連街頭的年青人。這難免導致人們將跳街舞和滋事分子畫上等號。不過到了今時今日﹐街舞文化已經起了變化,我們應該重新認識街舞﹐是時候給它一個「洗底」的機會了。
We waited for our cheerful ex-waitress, then 5 of us go downtown to support 橋.
After we parked at some docks that looks like a crime scene, we quickly walked to the night club - Guvernment.
We lined up for 30 minutes, and feeling lonely as the only few Chinese there...but hey, whatever it takes for 橋! =P
I've been to Guvernment a few times before, but tonight the club is set up for hardcore BBoyz. Some unknown teams were doing warm up, but that platform will be on fire real soon...
DJ of the night. Music was ok, I do have to admit I just concentrate to those music played when Supernaturalz were doing battles...
Fan number...88 (LV version haha): The crowd can't wait any longer...THEY WANT THE BATTLE NOW!
Moments before battle 1, 橋 with his grey hat and white T-Shirt.
And hey boy, hey girl, here we go...
橋 at 2:30...that's call sliding?
Pwnage at the second half of the battle by 橋. I still can't figure out how he flip himself like that!
And they lost! #Q@%^&$%& just kidding =P
After battle 2 and battle 3, the moment of truth...and we can see the stress...
And the winner is...
Congrats! And thumbs up to all the teams who participated in the battle. IT really is an eye-opener for china man like me...
Remember to record the shxt in S.Korea and Beijing!
Reality by Richard Sanderson - "La Boum" Sound Track (法國電影《初吻》主題曲)
Met you by surprise, I didn't realize that my life would change forever saw you standing there, I didn't know I cared there was something special in the air.
Dreams are my reality the only real kind of real fantasy illusions are a common thing I try to live in dreams it seems as if it's meant to be. Dreams are my reality a different kind of reality I dream of loving in the night and loving seems alright although it's only fantasy.
If you do exist, honey don't resist show me a new way of loving tell me that it's true show me what to do I feel something special about you.
Dreams are my reality the only kind of reality maybe my foolishness has past and maybe now at last I'll see how a real thing can be. Dreams are my reality a wondrous world where I like to be I dream of holding you all night and holding you seems right perhaps that's my reality.
Met you by surprise, I didn't realize that my life would change forever tell me that it's true feelings that are cue I feel something special about you.
Dreams are my reality a wondrous world where I like to be illusions are a common thing I try to live in dreams although it's only fantasy. Dreams are my reality I like to dream of you close to me I dream of loving in the night and loving you seems right perhaps that's my reality.